The Generosity of God.

As we continue on the Sermon on the Mount, we hear Christ telling us that if we ask, we will receive. If we seek, we will find. If we knock, the door will be opened. This must be kept in mind with praying that the will of God be done as in the Lord’s prayer and the seeking of the kingdom of Heaven first. It doesn’t mean that if you pray for a new ferrari, you’re going to get one. Jesus is building on what he’s already said and assuming that you will be having the attitude of prayer earlier discussed.

He points to the generosity of God though in saying God will not give gifts that are not in accordance though with what the children desire if their desires are in the right. No father would give a child wanting bread a stone nor would he give a serpent when the child wants a fish. Even if he just wants food, the father will surely give him something edible.

Jesus points out that if people being evil give good gifts, how much more will God? Notice also that Jesus says “you” being evil. He is not including himself. As in other places in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus disassociates himself from humanity in this regards. One example given is in the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus tells us to pray “Our Father,” but he never collectively prays that prayer with us. We are children of the Father by adoption. He is the Son of the Father by nature.

The point is that we should be persistent in prayer. We should keep asking. I keep a mental list that I go through each night including my friends in ways of their lifestyles and attitudes, the blessing of certain friends,  I pray for conversion for others, and I pray for healing in some cases. For myself, I generally pray for my own attitude and holy living and if any other thing is added consistently by me, I pray for a special lady in my life to come along soon. 

Considering though how God acts towards us, Christ then gives us the golden rule. This has been found in a negative way throughout much of history, but Christ gives us the positive. We are to go out and to do to others as we would like them to do unto you. It is not enough to simply avoid harming others. We must do something good on their behalf.

Interestingly, there is a story of a proselyte who was interested in becoming a Jew and would only become a Jew if he could find a teacher who could tell him the message of the Law and the Prophets while he stood on one foot. When he got to Rabbi Hillel, the rabbi said to him “What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to them. This is the Law and the Prophets. All the rest is commentary. Go and learn.”

This would most likely be Jesus’s own reply to what was said. Hillel did not go far enough. God’s generosity towards us is rich. We also ought to be generous to one another. How about you? Are you being generous to your fellow man?

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