Judgment Day: Honor and Shame

We’re going to take a little break from our study to consider a topic a friend of mine was talking about with me last night. First, I’d like to think Smithers for his comment. The article I read from him seems quite excellent and I have since added a link to his blog right here. Now on to the topic!

We were talking about skeptics we’ve encountered and there are some that to be blunt, I am stunned they do not see the contradictions. Most notably is the complaint that God is evil in the Old Testament while at the same time they defend moral relativism. I remarked that sometimes I think part of the aspect of judgment day for all is that God honors us in the face of those who have shamed us and shames those who have mocked those who proclaimed the truth in his name.

At this my friend started wondering about our sins. Do I think that they will be made known on judgment day? Will everyone there know what it is that I did all my life? I answered yes. My friend was very concerned about this saying that he didn’t want everyone to know what he had done and still does nor does he want to know what all I’ve done and still do. 

I think we can all relate to that. There’s a joke I heard a long time ago about in London that a telegram was sent one evening to 12 leading officials in the town from someone anonymous who said “All is revealed! Leave immediately!” By morning, half of them were gone.

Many of us can understand that. We don’t want the world to know what we’ve done and what we do and yet this is what I believe will happen on Judgment Day? If I am correct, then how is it that I can take joy and peace on the thought of that day?

I don’t believe there are any secrets in Heaven. No one has to hide anything. The Bible speaks of all being laid bare to account. However, when our sins are presented, God does not condone them. They are inexcusable. We must be absolutely clear on that. For someone interested in further information on this point, I recommend a sermon on excuses and forgiveness in C.S. Lewis’s “The Weight of Glory.” 

He also doesn’t just overlook our sin. There can be none of that here. It’s the final day of reckoning and he can’t treat it like it’s not there. He also doesn’t just forget our sin. He doesn’t somehow wipe his memory clean of any sin we have. He does something far better.

He forgives it.

It’s the imputed righteousness of Christ. He places upon Christ the guilt that we deserve. All that was to our shame will be taken from us and replaced with honor. There won’t be any extra baggage or hidden baggage. We won’t have to hide anything in eternity.

But will people look down on us in Heaven? No way. That’s not an activity of Heaven. Throughout eternity, we will be reminders of the glory of God in that his plan to overcome evil worked. While personal testimonies are not my favorite kind of evangelism, we will be personal testimonies forever in Heaven. 

As for those in Hell, there will be no honor. All that they thought good will instead be a testament to their shame as they did not use it for the glory of God. There is no honor in Hell. There is only eternal shame at what one has lost.

Going back to us, we are there forever. We are forgiven. We are loved and we are loving one another. There is nothing to hide. All is forgiven.

Welcome home.

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