Merry Christmas 2009

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Deeper Waters. We’re going to continue our look at Revelation next week. As it is, I am going to be out of town for Christmas and I won’t be doing another blog until Monday. For now, I ask for your prayers for my continuing path of Christlikeness. It is a process going on, but I see more signs of it happening every day. I ask for your prayers for my finances as well. I also ask for prayer in another area in my life that is of high importance to me. For now, let’s talk about Christmas however.

Have you ever considered Christmas as an invasion? It seems an odd way to view it, but it’s an accurate one. G.K. Chesterton wrote about this in an essay that’s found in a book collection of his called “Brave New Family.” Christmas was the world of Heaven invading the world of Earth for the battle for men’s souls.

Christmas is when the Word became flesh. How much we need to think about those words! The world of Heaven entered the domain that had long been dominated by the enemy and he fought opponent on his own turf. Christ took on the powers of darkness in a short time of ministry and conquered them.

This is what we celebrate. We celebrate the battle being shot. We often speak of the shot heard around the world. Christmas was the first shot that was heard around the world. Christmas was God laying down the gauntlet to satan and saying that he would no longer rule. His time was to be cut short. (Not to say that satan ever literally ruled the Earth, but evil had been a dominant influence.)

We don’t often see Christmas as a declaration of war, but it certainly was as it was immediately countered by the slaughter of the babies in Bethlehem and with Mary and Joseph having to escape away to Egypt on the advice of angels in order to protect the young baby. Christmas today is a happy and joyful time, but let’s not forget that it has its battle as well.

By all means, celebrate with friends and family. Enjoy carols and Christmas gifts and such. Don’t lose sight however of what has happened. Christmas is the day that turned the world upside down. However, that is not entirely accurate. It did not turn the world upside down. It turned an upside down world right side up.

Christmas began the restoration of all things. The hope of all mankind came on Christmas. Listen to some of the carols, particularly the older ones, and consider the words that they have. It is easy to sing them over and over again and not really listen to the words.

Christ has come. That is what we celebrate in Christmas and in evangelism, we continue the effort on the battlefront for our ultimate commander-in-chief. As you celebrate Christmas, remember that you are participating in a battle that must be won. Onward Christian soldiers!

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