God On Video Camera?

Would it matter if God showed up today? Let’s plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

Sometimes, we’re asked why is it that God came in a time supposedly when there was no technology like today. Why not show up in a day and age where we have video cameras and everyone has one on their phone as well and we can all see these things happening? This seems like a simple explanation, but it just doesn’t work.

Many of us have seen those commercials on television that is supposed to demonstrate how well a product works. Do we all rush out and buy that product immediately? No. Many of us are skeptical when it comes to advertising. We know that those can be faked.

How about those commercials with people talking about a certain car and this line appears at the bottom of the screen saying “Real people, not actors.” I guess that settles it doesn’t it? Obviously, these were all real people who were being recorded and not people meant to read a script and they all just spontaneously praised the car. Naturally, there’s never anyone that says anything negative.

We can see movies today with realistic special effects as well. Someone who doesn’t know about those could conclude that something in them is real. Many of us can see a horror film and get scared about it because it just seems so realistic.

Yet supposedly, if God showed up today, everyone would just believe that it was Him. If you had video tape of these kinds of events, they would be questioned just as much. Internet atheists would be trying to find every way they can to look at the recording and show that it was faked.

Even if we know something is faked and we don’t know how it was done, we don’t conclude that it was a miracle of some kind. My wife and I used to watch Penn and Teller’s show “Fool Us,” where people would try to trick the famous magicians for a chance to be in their magic act. There were numerous people that did fool Penn and Teller, yet Penn at least I know is still an atheist to this day. It is never thought that someone actually did a miracle.

New Testament scholar Craig Keener has catalogued several miracles in his two-volume work Miracles. Most people who are skeptics will never bother to investigate these miracles since obviously they are not real. Even if they have medical documentation, it doesn’t matter.

If anything, God doing it when He did makes the most sense. After all, this was a day and age where you could not fake something of that sort that easily. Sure, there were some people who did fake acts like that to try to show others as charlatans, but it was a lot more difficult to pull off, especially events in public that involve sudden change in healing.

Today, it would be much easier to fake these kinds of events. Not only that, but it would not convince some of God. If someone doesn’t want to believe, they can find another explanation. In an event where Peter Boghossian interviewed Richard Dawkins, Dawkins said he had become convinced that anything said to be done by God could just as easily be done by aliens.In that way, nothing could convince him of God. At least he’s honest.

As I said also in an earlier post, God doesn’t do this either because He is not a trivia question. He doesn’t show up just to address our curiosity. He seeks people who really seek Him for Him. Be one of those.

In Christ,
Nick Peters

God Is Not A Trivia Question

Does God want you to know He exists? Let’s plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

A common refrain I often hear from skeptics online is that if God wants us to know He exists, then He could do a better job. Why not just show up and let us all know? The problem with this approach is it really treats God like a trivia question.

Imagine if every morning my wife got up and said to me, “Honey. I want you to know that I know you exist.” Well, geez. Isn’t that special? That doesn’t really touch me at all. I’m instead wanting to know, “Yes. But do you really know me? Do you want me? Do you love me?” The answer to those is yes, but that’s what a spouse wants. A spouse doesn’t just want their existence acknowledged. They want to be wanted.

I think this is what God wants. He doesn’t just want people to know that He is there. He wants people to want Him and He appears to those who really do want to see Him. (Keep in mind also that the last time God showed up among us, we crucified Him.) God wants to be wanted.

The book of Job has a section in the middle talking about mining and what a hard job it is. Why talk about this in the middle of a book about suffering? It’s because those who really want gold and silver will do the hard work and face the risks of mining in order to get those precious metals. Those who want God and really care about Him will do the work.

If we treat God like He’s just a trivia question and the question is if He exists or not and that’s it, then we’re not really going to find the answer. If we really do care, we will work and try to do the answer. This isn’t to say that anyone who is agnostic or atheist right now just doesn’t really care. They really could. I think biblically that there are only three types in the world.

Those who are not seeking God and will not find Him.

Those who are seeking God or will seek God and will find Him.

Those who have sought God and have found Him.

This must be a real and diligent search. It can’t be a half-hearted thing. A person must really be willing to throw themselves into it. Truth must be worth it even if it costs dearly.

There’s a story about a boy who came to Socrates one day wanting to know how to get wisdom. Socrates took him by the hand and walked him out into the ocean with him. When they were about waist deep, Socrates took his hands and pushed the boy under water. After about half a minute of the boy flailing and struggling, Socrates let him up and the two walked back to shore. The boy began swinging his fists angry at Socrates and Socrates calmly asked, “When I was holding you under, what did you want more than anything else?”

“I wanted to breathe!”

“When you want wisdom as much as when you want to breathe, you will get it.”

People who ask the God question this way will not find the answer because they don’t really want it. One good indicator of this is to ask them if they read any scholarly works on the topic that disagree with them. Those who are really searching will do that, search.

God won’t show up for your game of trivial pursuit. If you want Him, He is there waiting. If you don’t, He will let you go your own way. Your choice.

In Christ,
Nick Peters