Becoming A Thinking Christian

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth! Tonight, I’d like to write about a topic I got to think about some as I had to speak on it today to some Middle and High Schoolers at a Christian academy and that is the topic of becoming a thinking Christian. This will hopefully also become a regular series.

The first point I’d like to make for tonight is on books. We need to be people who read books. Saturday, I was sitting outside a local library and a little girl comes in ahead of her Mom saying “I just love books!” I’m beaming at that point. It was so relieving to hear of youth in this generation that like to read.

I refer to this generation specifically after reading Mark Bauerlein’s book “The Dumbest Generation.” Bauerlein says that the young generation should be the smartest that we have as they have more access to information than any other generation has ever had, and yet they’re the dumbest. (A full review of the book can be found hopefully one day on the Tekton Ticker.)

Books not being read is a major cause of the problem. This doesn’t just mean knowledge books such as philosophy, theology, and science. This also means fiction, as many of us can be blessed by reading works of fiction. I don’t just mean the Chronicles of Narnia either or Lord of the Rings, although these are fine works to read. I mean fiction that can introduce you to new ways of thinking be it mystery, fantasy, horror, or some other genre.

Read books that will challenge you. Don’t just read the writers that you agree with. Read the writers that you disagree with. If you’re like me and you like to debate online, it will be of great benefit to you to not only know your arguments well, but also the arguments of your opponents. You should know them so well that if need be, you could argue for them.

When reading material that is meant for academic purposes, read books by good authors. What are the credentials of the person writing the book? Don’t be fooled just because it says “PH.D.” on the cover. The person could have a PH.D. in a field completely unrelated to the topic that they are writing on.

If you shop online for books, such as at Amazon, check the other books that come up when you are picking the one you want to read. Who wrote them? What are they about? Feel free to check some reviews and see what other people are saying about the book.

Also, check such things as the date the book was written and the publisher. It could be the book is outdated. (Note: This does not apply to foundational writings like Plato, Aquinas, Tacitus, Newton, etc.) Check the publisher. Is it a reputable one? Don’t just look for the author’s worldview. Many times, I don’t even check it.

Become a friend of books and you are on the path to becoming a thinking Christian.

Stephen Hawking Part 1

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth! A couple of months ago, Stephen Hawking and others appeared on an episode of Larry King and tonight, we will interact with the first part of just what Hawking said. A link to a video of it can be found here while a transcript can be found here .

Now as one who can count as disabled, I do have a great respect for Hawking overcoming so much of what he has in spite of ALS. However, that does not mean that his ideas cannot be touched. In fact, I think he makes the mistake of many scientists where he assumes a scientism that cannot be proven by science itself yet seeks to say all truth is provable by science.

I will also grant that for the sake of argument that some of what Hawking here is saying could be shortened responses since he is in a chair and has limited movement and thus wants to make his answers as succinct as possible.

To begin with, Hawking does think that the scientific account is complete. Of course, this could depend on the scientific account of what? Do we have a complete account for instance of how life came into existence? Do we have an account so complete in any field that that means we stop looking? For all the talk about ID being a science stopper, it would seem that if Hawking is correct, this is just as much a science stopper.

He then adds that theology is unnecessary, but does this follow? Let us suppose that we had answered every scientific question that could be. Does that mean theology is unnecessary? That would mean that all knowledge of God is scientific knowledge. Now properly understood, science refers to a body of knowledge. In that case, theology is a science, but it’s extremely doubtful that Hawking means it in this way.

The only way this is unnecessary is that the case is true that there is no God, but Hawking has not established that. He could have a case for the existence of something, which I doubt, but what of the existing of something? Does he have a case? He never directly answers “Why is there something rather than nothing at all?”

However, even if someone doesn’t believe God exists, it is still important to them to study theology. Why? Several people in this world, myself included of course, do believe that God does exist and if you’re going to critique their views rightly, you need to study those views. The new atheists would do well to learn this.

As for his theory, Hawking does treat it as if it explains everything, but he has not explained how it does. Now he could explain that more in his book, but the audience is left to wonder. What is it that gravity works on? Where did the law of gravity come from? How can nothing act in any way to produce something?

Hawking also says people are reacting because science is answering questions that used to be the province of religion. I would very much like to know what these questions are. It is as if Hawking is arguing against a god-of-the-gaps mentality, but could it be that the atheistic world has created this mentality as well? After all, the early Christians saw no threat to doing science and saw it as explaining HOW God was working in the world.

Finally, Hawking says his great hero is Galileo, who believed in the power of observation. The reality is, so did every other scientist. What else did they base their findings on? Naturally, they had their presuppositions, but they also observed the world around them. We have seen earlier other concerns with Galileo. He was right, but he did not have sufficient evidence.

Tomorrow, we will look more at how the discussion plays out with the other panelists.


Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth! Lately, we’ve been looking at the relationship between science and religion and how Christians should see it. Today, we’re going to be continuing that look by discussing the doctrine of the multiverse.

Now a lot of us out there are probably skeptical of the idea of a multiverse. As per usual here however, I would recommend that when debating someone, be more than ready to grant them the multiverse. Why should it be that such a belief would be seen as a threat to the existence of God? Does the existence of more than one universe make the source of those universes more unlikely?

Yesterday in church I gave an example to illustrate this. I pointed to a parking lot across the street from our church and said “Suppose you were told that there was a dead body in the parking lot across the street and saw that indeed there was.” Immediately, you will be wondering a number of questions and one of them will be “How did a dead body wind up there?”

Now suppose that there was a detective who came over and said “I saw some of you people come out and look across the street wondering what was going on. I want to assure you that you have nothing to wonder about. My officers inform me that there are five hundred more bodies behind this building. Therefore, there’s no need to wonder about this one.”

None of us would accept that. If we were wondering what the cause of one body was, we will be wondering even more what the cause of 500 bodies were. Thus, if we have one universe and we have a hard time explaining that one, it does not help to say “Well we can solve the explanation of this universe by saying there are X more universes.” That’s only increased the difficulty!

For each of these universes, we will have to ask what is the cause of that universe. If we have universes that are somehow producing other universes, it becomes more of a puzzle. What is it in a universe that gives it this power that it can in a way reproduce itself into another universe?

In fact, if these other universes were somehow able to be found and we could find out that they had life as well, that would not lessen our wonder. It would increase it. How could it be that there is a source of universes that not only produces universes but tends to produce life-sustaining universes? Why is it that the universes that are thriving supposedly are the ones where life is being sustained?

Of course, if modern ideas are correct, it could be we will never understand such questions. Many of us will live as if there is one universe, but let us not see the multiverse as a threat to theism. Instead, let’s push it back on to the non-theist and remember the reformulated argument given yesterday.

All things that have potential to change depend on something else for their existing.
The universe has potential to change.
The universe depends on something else for its existing.

That works not just with our universe, but any other universe.

Kalam Revisited

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. Yesterday, I gave a look at the Kalam cosmological argument in the horizontal sense and I said that I think it works, but I want us to rethink our usage of it. I believe science can support theistic ideas, but they cannot prove theistic ideas, and thus I want an argument that is not married to science but is still functional.

Hence, I suggested rephrasing the Kalam to a form more fitting to the vertical argument and came up with the following:

All things that have the potential to change depend on something else for their existing.
The universe has the potential to change.
Therefore, the universe depends on something else for its existing.

Now notice I say existing instead of existence. All derived being depends on something else for its being. Derived being is derived for that which receives being has potential to change and is not existence itself. It rather moves from one mode of existence to another mode of existence. This is true not just of material objects, but of immaterial ones as well, such as angels.

Why make such an argument? We believe scientifically today that the universe had a beginning. However, we also know that science can change at any moment depending on new data so let’s suppose for the sake of argument that new data shows up indicating an eternal universe. If not that, we can suppose this hypothesis of the multiverse is true and there are many universes. Again, an atheist can point to such a chain of universes and say “No need of a creator.”

My argument is still safe for it solely depends on something else being in existence and it doesn’t care about how long it was in existence. To imagine the difference, consider your existence. You are here because of the union of the male and female sex cells. You parents had something to do with your existence, even if you don’t know them or live with different “parents.” (I use parentheses to distinguish from biological parents. Adoptive parents are wonderful)

The same is true for each of their existences. However, your grandparents did not have any direct involvement with your coming into existence. (At least, I certainly hope they didn’t!) Both sets of your grandparents could have been dead and you would still be able to come into existence.

However, now picture a stick moving an object, and then that stick being moved by a hand. The object requires the stick to move but at the same time, the stick requires the hand to move. If the hand goes away, the stick and the object cease to move. There is dependence all the way to the end of the chain.

This is the difference with this argument. It is no longer the question of just bringing about existence but rather sustaining existence. If God’s nature is his existence, then we do not ask the question of Him. He does not receive existence for existence does not receive existence nor does He move from one mode of existence to another, because what mode of existence is there beyond existence?

The argument brings us back to the question of existence that science cannot answer. Science deals with a type of existence, but it does not deal with existence itself.

Now once again, I think Kalam works, but I want us to move past the science vs. religion nonsense and into the real debate area. Science is not the final arbiter of if God exists and it’s time we stopped treating it as such.


Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. Tonight, I’d like to take a look at the Kalam Cosmological Argument as we continue our look at science and Christianity together. I think some of what I have to say about this argument might be surprising.

The argument as it is traditionally understood goes like this:

All things that begin to exist have a cause.
The universe began to exist.
The universe has a cause.

No one disputes the form of this syllogism. It is entirely valid. That does not mean that it is true, as a syllogism can be valid an still be false, but when we have disputes over Kalam, it is not because of the form. Therefore, one of the propositions must be seen as false in order to deny the conclusion.

Oddly, it’s usually the first one that’s seen as false. It is incredible that this has to be defended. What we have is empirical evidence that every event we have ever seen has had a cause and every time something comes into existence, there’s a cause. Yes. I know about particles coming out of a vacuum, but a vacuum is not nothing. I would also say we are just beginning research here and I am more prepared to say that we don’t know what’s going on entirely before suddenly throwing out a principle we apply in every other area of life.

Another rejoinder given is that some new atheists will say that the theist says that everything that exists has a cause, so who caused God? Those familiar with the cosmological argument already recognize the problem. Christians do not say that everything that exists has a cause. What they say is that everything that begins to exist has a cause.

Now I do believe modern science has established that the universe had a beginning. We can save a theory like the multiverse for another day. For now, I’d like to say that while I affirm Kalam as it stands, that does not mean I like it as it stands. There are some who object to an infinite regress and there is also the question of “If we found out that the universe didn’t have a beginning, would that makes the existence of God less likely?”

Therefore, while I am not against using the Kalam, I’d prefer to use the other version of it. Yes. There is another version of the Kalam argument. William Lane Craig uses the horizontal version. I prefer the vertical version. This is the version that gets at the question of existence itself.

My argument goes this way:

All things with potential to change depend on something else for their existing.
The universe has potential to change.
Therefore, the universe depends on something else for its existing.

Obviously, there will not be doubt that the universe changes in some way. The real premise to defend in this case will be the first one. That is an argument that I will be taking up in tomorrow’s blog to devote the whole of it to that topic.


Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the Ocean of Truth. Tonight, we’re going to continue our look at science and religion and I’d like to take a rather unique take on the creation-evolution debate.

First off, many of us are not proficient in the necessary sciences to come to a conclusion on evolutionary theory. I make no hesitations in saying that I am not skilled in that area. Does that mean we cannot have an opinion? No. We can certainly have opinions, but we must make them known cautiously. We cannot speak as authorities when we do not have the prerequisite study in the area.

Second, I am concerned over an attitude that comes along the lines of that if evolutionists win, then that means that naturalism becomes a more likely hypothesis, which is what someone on TheologyWeb asked me about. I have a hard time with that since I don’t view naturalism as a plausible alternative since they have a problem to begin with with the question of existence.

The situation then becomes that if we win this battle in science, then Christianity wins. If we lose this battle, then Christianity loses. I’d instead contend that science is meant to show us truths about the world that God created, but it is not to be dependent upon those truths. I think we could use science to support theistic belief, but at the same time, I want to raise the caution to us of marrying our theistic beliefs to the science of our time. As G.K. Chesterton said, he who marries the spirit of the age is destined to be a widow.

So let’s consider evolution. Does it follow that if somehow life came about through evolutionary means, that Jesus did not rise from the dead? Not at all. There is no contradiction affirming both of those. One would be a scientific truth and one would be a historical truth and the two don’t contradict necessarily.

Yet consider that in all of this, we are losing sight of other debates. We can debate moral outcomes of if evolution is applied on a grander scale and I think that would be more fruitful. One great mistake is to take one area of thought and apply it to areas where it does not apply. Evolution could be fine to bring about life, but it’s not a standard you want to use to determine moral truths.

We could also focus on other theistic arguments such as the moral argument, the existence/essence argument, or the argument from beauty. As well, we could start looking into biblical and historical studies to demonstrate that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead.

In all of this, Christianity does not need to back down. Consider this: If you are debating your opponent, how many hurdles do you want him to cross to get to the cross? Answer: As few as possible. It does not need to be “Believe in my view of origins and that Christ rose from the dead” but rather “Believe that Christ rose from the dead.”

Instead, you can go to the atheist and say “Sure. You can believe in that. I just want you to believe that Jesus rose from the dead.” Naturally, you can’t believe in evolution without God and be a Christian, but to be a Christian does not mean to abandon a view of origins, but to embrace a view of Christ.

That’s what we want people to get to. Let’s make sure that’s our focus.

The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. We’re going to look today at a new book that has come out recently. This is at the suggestion of my friend Brian Auten of the Apologetics315 blogspot. That is an excellent blog I recommend you go to and its link can be found on the sidebar. The book is Mike Licona’s “The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach.” It can be purchased here.

I will also be reviewing this book for the Tekton Ticker eventually. This is a new blog of J.P. Holding that can be found on the sidebar. If I do a review for JPH there, it will not be found at Deeper Waters. However, I invite you to check regularly and see what work I have done and do go to and subscribe to the newsletter and eblock.

Also, I’m going to state upfront an important possible bias that I wish to avoid. Mike Licona is someone I know quite well. Still, I seek to be as impartial as I can whenever I go through this work, but I will point out some things about Dr. Licona that I think should encourage you to purchase his book.

Dr. Licona is someone who takes his work seriously. He has wrestled with doubts and so wishes to make sure that he is in the right when he comes down on a position. He is also as many of you might know, the main student of Dr. Gary Habermas and following in his footsteps in resurrection studies. He has debated atheists like Richard Carrier and Bart Ehrman.

For these debates, he has prepared thoroughly, often several hours a week reviewing facts and traveling around the country in order to talk to people with areas of expertise in other fields. He has a singular devotion to the truth and to doing history right.

That’s something else I like from looking through this book. He gives out his method in step-by-step detail in describing the history of the event. I believe that as people come to read this book, that they will not only come to a knowledge of the truth of the resurrection, but the best way to arrive at that historically. They will learn to learn history the way a historian does.

This is also important today because the resurrection is the keystone of our faith. Paul told us that if Christ be not raised, we are still in our sins and our faith is in vain. If Christ is raised, everything else is different however. It means that God has spoken in space and time and has revealed Himself in His Son.

Over the next few weeks, I plan to go through this book and review it. The review will be found in full when it is done at the Tekton Ticker and I once again urge everyone to go and support my ministry partner as his ministry is one that you should be familiarizing yourself with.

For now, if you have the resources also, go to Amazon and pick up a copy of this book and learn to defend the resurrection and know why it matters.

Just The Facts

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth! We will return to our look at the relationship of science and religion, but I do have other matters to attend to and tonight, I’d like to look at a theme I see going on in debates. This is the idea that we do not spend time looking at the data. Instead, we look at everything but the data. For me, in a debate, I want the data. As Joe Friday would say “Just the facts!”

An example of this is a debate I am engaging in now on the topic of homosexual “marriage.” I am seeing the usual reply of being called a bigot. This in spite of the fact that I have no problem with homosexuals as people and I have had friends who are homosexuals and I am ardently against movements like that of Fred Phelps. I am a bigot because I am against homosexual marriage.

However, my wonder at that is that it is automatically assumed there are no good metaphysical reasons for my stance. Even supposing I have bad metaphysical reasons, I do have reasons other than “I hate homosexuals.” If I have some reason or reasons why I believe the traditional view should be upheld, then it does no good to say I am a bigot.

Furthermore, what does that do to people like David Benkof who runs the blog “Gays Defend Marriage.” Benkof is an open homosexual who believes marriage should be reserved for a man and for a woman and that the homosexual community should work on more important battles. Is he, an open homosexual, a bigot?

Our arguments could be exactly the same. When he gives them, the argument must be answered. When I give them, it can be dismissed because I’m a bigot.

In fact, let’s suppose that it was true that I was a bigot. Let’s suppose that I had a flaming hatred of homosexuals. What does that mean? Am I wrong? Are the arguments true if Benkof says them but false if I do? All it would prove is that I’m a jerk. It would not prove I am wrong.

For instance, consider an atheist like Christopher Hitchens who wrote “god Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.” This is a guy who it has been said could have his arguments summed up in this way; “There is no God and I hate Him.” I believe Hitchens and other new atheists despise religion. What am I to conclude? “These people hate religion, therefore God exists.”

That would be silly. I can look at their motives all I want, but in the end, I simply have to look at the data. What is the argument? What are its premises? What is its conclusion? What does it wish to prove? How strong are the reasons for believing in the argument?

Atheists can often make the mistake of discounting Christian apologists, philosophers, or NT scholars because they are Christians. It is an interesting technique to say “I’m going to only listen to evidence that comes from people that share the same viewpoint as I do.” It won’t be a shock if you don’t grow in your viewpoint then. Learning how your opponent thinks will help you with your own position and if your opponent is right, you are at least likely to find that out by honestly accessing his worldview.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t times that motive isn’t important. The problem is that we jump to motive first as if that’s a reason we don’t have to listen to the argument. It’s a whole lot easier to debate an attitude than it is to debate a position. If we’re going to see an argument stand or fall, it stands or falls on the data.

The Christian should remember to test everything and hold fast to that which is true. When you get in an argument, remember what is most important, the data.

Farewell Ken Pulliam

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters, where we are diving into the ocean of truth! We’re taking a detour from our look into the topic of science and Christianity. I had meant it to be shorter, but I have been given notice about someone in the skeptical community who passed away and someone who I had some interaction with.

Ken and I debated a few times on Of course, we disagreed on our conclusions, but I believe there was a healthy respect there. I honestly liked Ken in many ways. In fact, earlier this year, he had emailed me somehow hearing that I was getting married, probably on He wanted to send me his congratulations and encourage me to continue my education because too many students get married and they never finish their education then.

Ken had been an apologist for Christianity and even taught who apostasized, but he did not fit into a stereotype of atheists who don’t know the material. He was one who had a better understanding. Of course, I still think his understanding was wrong as he did not agree with it, but I do believe he made an effort. It was a huge step up from so many atheists today who don’t even think they need to bother studying theology in order to argue.

In a world with the Rational Response Squad and the new atheists, it can be refreshing to know that there are deeper levels to the debate than you will find in these kinds of writings. There are people who want to seriously debate the issues and they do not want to simply use sound bites in order to argue their position. I believe Ken really wanted to interact with the material on the other side and I think that is an example Christians should have. Christians need to know what the other side is thinking.

I sincerely hope that there came a time for Ken to return to the faith before he died. I really do. I think we Christians need to watch what we do when those who are non-Christians die. Death is not a happy thing. If someone dies without Christ, we should never celebrate that. We as Christians should have our hearts remembering why we do what we do and the importance of evangelism.

I recall when Stephen Jay Gould died that there were several creationists who were practically throwing a party that surely he must be really hot now. We should not respond in that way. The man was dead and we need to honor his life. We need to remember that the only reason any of us are avoiding Hell is the grace of God.

I understand that all of his family consists of believers. I sincerely hope that if they read this, that everything I have said here is respectful to Ken. I know he treated me with respect and I try to do likewise to someone like that. I was sorry to hear about the news and if you read this, my wife and I pray for your well-being.

R.I.P. Ken.

Halloween And Secondary Matters

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters, where we are diving into the ocean of truth! Last night as I was checking up on some things online for the last time, I saw a comment on TheologyWeb where I debate that burned me in a thread on Halloween telling someone to go ahead and celebrate the night of Samhain. God had made his opinion clear on the matter however.

Now to me, Halloween is nothing wicked to celebrate, though some people can celebrate it in wicked means. This is the case for any holiday. On Thanksgiving, we can be tempted to gluttony. On Christmas, we can be tempted with materialism. On New Year’s Day, we can be tempted to get drunk. In any holiday, we need to watch why we are observing it.

That’s not what got me on this here however. To me, Halloween is a secondary matter. There’s nothing in Scripture that’s yea or nay, particularly since Halloween hadn’t been invented yet, but I believe we have some guidelines in 1 Cor. 8-10 and Romans 14 indicating that this is a secondary matter.

However, it is easy to say that God has spoken on something and leave it at that and then think the rest of us are living in sin if we acknowledge the day. This gives us a chance to look at ourselves with pride and look down on our neighbor and think that we are doing better than they are or are more holy than they are. Now it could be we’re leading a better Christian life, but it is not our place to say that.

If we want to go with matters that the Lord has clearly stated his view on, let’s go with those.

We are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength. How are we doing?

In Romans 12, Paul tells us to be devoted to prayer. I know this is something that I wrestle with. How about the rest of you? Are you doing much better?

We are told to love our neighbor as ourselves. Are we doing that, or are we treating our neighbor totally different from ourselves and looking for any excuse to not love him?

We are commanded if we are married men to love our wives as Christ loved the church and women are called to submit to their husbands as the church to Christ. Fellow marrieds? How are you doing? Husbands? Do you love your wives that way? Wives? Are you respecting your husbands?

Jesus told us to not worry about tomorrow for today has enough difficulties of its own. How’s that going? Are you getting good at not staying up at night and wondering about the future?

We are told to not look at women with lust and not hate our brother in our hearts. How’s that going?

Forgive one another as I have forgiven you. That’s an easy one surely isn’t it? Are you doing the work that needs to be done in forgiving your neighbor and actually letting it go? Surely no one ever carries around a grudge.

How about money? How are we doing? Are we giving to the poor and helping them or are we more greedy?

But in each of these, God has made his view clear.

We can argue about secondary issues and we should respect one another’s opinions on secondary issues even when we disagree, but before we start playing the pride card, let’s look and see how we’re doing on these other issues.