How Much Was The Ransom?

Welcome back everyone to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. Apologies for not having blogs the past two days but I’ve been quite busy. Anyway, we’ve lately been going through the Watchtower booklet of “Should You Believe In The Trinity?” Right now, we’re looking at some arguments that are raised against the Trinity. Tonight, we look at the topic of the ransom.

A problem with the Watchtower in this regards is that they assume a ransom theory of the atonement. Now there have been some who have held to such a view, but if you do not, then you won’t find this argument convincing. In fact, even if you do, I’d say you shouldn’t find this argument convincing. Unfortunately, many Christians haven’t done any thinking on the atonement so when the Witnesses arrive, this is their first introduction to the idea and then they get a quick “refutation” of that idea.

The Watchtower points to 1 Timothy 2:5 where we are told that Christ was a corresponding ransom to us. There’s only one problem. I don’t see a basis anywhere for the word “corresponding” to be added. This has been something the Watchtower has been guilty of before, such as adding “other” four times in Col. 1:15-18.

The idea the Watchtower wants to present is that if Jesus was fully God, the price that was paid for the ransom would be too much and that would be unjust.

After all, we know God never blesses anyone beyond what they deserve…

The Watchtower teaches that Jesus would pay an infinite price if He was in the Godhead. I’d have no problem with that because our crime is against an infinite being. We have violated the standards of God. Now I do believe that some sins are worse than others, but I believe all sins are ultimately done against God and all of them merit us being cast out of His loving presence for all eternity.

However, I still think the worst situation here is not that the Watchtower does not understand the gravity of sin, but they don’t understand the goodness of grace. If I could have you understand only one, I believe it would be grace as grace is an action of God and sin is an action of man. I think it’s more important to understand God’s actions than ours. Of course, we do need some understanding of what we do. A doctrine of man is quite important.

My wife and I got a real reminder of how the Watchtower does not understand grace with our last Witnesses that visited us. On the last visit they had, they got up and left right in the middle of my reading Ephesians 2:8-9. I added as they left that I found it very revealing that when the teaching of salvation by grace through faith is given, that they leave.

One other point to make. The Watchtower also asks how if Jesus was in the Godhead he could ever be lower than the angels. It is quite clear and quite amazing both. Jesus did it to show the depths that God is willing to go to reach the lost. Again, I am not surprised the Watchtower does not understand grace. When you dialogue with Witnesses, I recommend going for the salvation question as well. It’s one they have a very hard time with.

We shall continue next time.

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